順便慶祝Saint Patrick's Day!
也不記得為什麼我會找上El Meson﹐
不過我相信我的眼光! hahaha....
St. Patrick's Day(a.k.a Paddy's Day)是愛爾蘭年度最盛大的節日,為了追念Ireland保護神St. Patrick。這位偉人是活在西元第五世紀的一個天主教傳教士,其最大的功勞是將天主教介紹到愛爾蘭去,從此愛爾蘭人就成為最虔誠的天主教徒。
730pm 從家裡出發﹐
可是我又不想遲回, 唯有自開luh...
8pm 準時到﹐
Bangsar 要找parking真的需要耐性﹐
I think i'm lucky,
竟然給我找到一個iligal parking *lol*
Good! 我喜歡準時的人~~
這裡環境還不賴, 可以1 group 人


打開Menu很多都是西班牙文, 好彩有英文注解

想點soup但我是應該吃正餐嗎? Never mind, skip ....

Kalai點了Lamole di Lamole Chianti Classico 2007 - Rm165

原產地在意大利, Chianti是最早种植葡萄的地区,据说有近几千年的历史。主要的葡萄庄园位于Radda、Gaiole及Castellina三个村庄之间。野生浆果的香气飘然而至,伴随微微樱桃和香料的气息,橡木桶的陈酿令到酒体更饱满而复杂,圣祖维斯葡萄品种的完美体验。搭配香口浓郁的肉类菜式更是一绝

我點了StrongBow - Rm25 (自從那次之後我愛上這個飲料)

首先served上來的是Bread with Garlic Cream (FOC&可以refill)

Aceitunas - Rm8 (我不是很喜歡, 但還可以接受...)
Spanish Olives Salted with Anchovies

nick 拿出他的私家貨 Romeo Y Julieta 小雪茄

原產地在古巴的RYJ是全球最大的雪茄品牌之一,是英国前首相Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill最喜爱的品牌。早在第二次世界大战时期,RYJ公司就向Sir Winston提供了5000支此品牌的雪茄,在雪茄界最富有盛名的Romeo Y Julieta Churchill雪茄, 就是为了纪念Sir Winston而推出的雪茄。

RYJ mini,迷你型雪茄尺寸,属于机制细小型雪茄,适合在时间比较紧张时候及雪茄初学者享用.
Paella Seafood for 2 - Rm64 (Paella特地從Spain進口,再配上新鮮的海鮮味道很好)
Paella with Mussels, Squid, Prawns, Clams and Halibut in Rich Seafood and chicken Stock

Salmon A La Plancha - Rm42 (配菜不需要太複雜就可以輕易托出魚的鮮味)
Pan Fried Salmon served with Sweet Pepper Coulis with mash Potato and Vegetables

CostillasDe Iberic - Rm62 (Spain進口的豬肉, 配了Membrillo醬後味道還真的不錯!)Iberico Rack of Ribs Slow Cooked and Basted with Slightly Smoked Membrillo Sauce served with Roast Potato and Grilled Corn

Membrillo是一種西班牙式的醬汁, 是由一種叫Quince(榅桲) 的水果做成的。榅桲 - 成熟果實帶蘋果香氣,果汁多,汁淡黃白色,味略甘而帶清快之酸味,但種殼著生許多粗硬之刺狀纖維,呈放射狀開展伸入果肉內,常作sauce及果醬原料。)
Sherry Triffle - Rm18 (一口接一口, 很香很好吃~~)
English Sherry Triffle - Chilled Jelly and Fruit with Sherry Sponge

Who is Chef Fernando?
He is a young Spaniard who hails from Valencia, famous for its Seafood and especially, the most famous Spanish dish, the Paella. He learnt his trade from the Alejandro del Toro 1 Michelin Star Professional Kitchen School. In Europe, his career has taken him from his hometown in Valencia, to stints in Germany, and recently in the famous Restaurant Martin Berasategui in San Sebastien, a 3 Michelin star restaurant that needs no introduction.
What is The Iberian Black Hoof Pig?西班牙黑毛豬
Found only in Spain, the Iberian Pig (pata Negra, which literally translates to Black Hoof) is to Pork what Kobe is to beef. The Pigs roam freely in Open Meadows, and graze on grass and acorns. In that sense, they are largely Organic. As result, the meat is abundant in good cholesterol and the fat contains Oleic Acid which is the same fat as in Olive Oil. This promotes HDL and reduces LDL. Iberico Meat is best eaten Pink, as there is none of the bacteria usually associated with normal farm pigs.
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